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Explore projects delivered by Altoros
The team at Altoros has successfully implemented 1420 projects, some of which can be accessed through this page. We do also share more details on a particular project and other stories of success on demand.
Developing a Business Process Modeling Solution
The customer
The customer is a leading European provider of business process and enterprise content management solutions. Established in 2003, the company serves 450 organizations across the globe, including 25% of the CAC 40 firms in France. The customer had a system that facilitated management of business-critical workflows around sales, marketing, finance, and human resources activities. However, the existing software lacked a component for creating and editing diagrams illustrating those workflows. Collaborating with Altoros, the customer wanted to develop a tool for business process modelling compatible with the Business Process Model and Notation 2.0 (BPMN 2.0) specification.
The need
The customer had a system that facilitated management of business-critical workflows around sales, marketing, finance, and human resources activities. However, the existing software lacked a component for creating and editing diagrams illustrating those workflows.
Collaborating with Altoros, the customer wanted to develop a tool for business process modelling compatible with the Business Process Model and Notation 2.0 (BPMN 2.0) specification.
The challenges
- According to the customer’s requirement, the delivered tool had to be reusable, so it would be possible to integrate it anywhere on demand.
- Due to a cyclic nature of BPMN diagrams, solutions capable of storing only normalized tree structures were not an option.
firms served
The outcome
Partnering with Altoros, the customer developed a solution for creating and editing diagrams, which visualize business-critical processes. Compliant with the BPMN 2.0 specification, the tool allows for working with any diagrams supporting this standard. As the solutions is reusable, it can be integrated anywhere on demand.
Technology stack
Programming Language - JavaScript
Frameworks and tools - React, SCSS, Jest, Git Hooks, ESLint
A Provider of Customer Reviews Cuts Response Times by 2x
The customer
Based in Germany, the company is a provider of a platform that enables businesses to gather customer reviews and ratings from multiple sources, manage them, and interact with the audience. Founded in 2016, the organization serves retail, manufacturing, information technology, and other industries.
The need
The customer’s review management platform was built on top of the very first version of Angular and never got updated. As the user base grew, it became necessary to introduce new features and improve the existing ones. However, an outdated technology stack significantly complicated maintenance and disrupted user experience.
Collaborating with Altoros, the company wanted to migrate to a modern technology stack, improving maintenance and implementing new functionality.
The challenges
- It was important to conduct migration without downtime.
- Each time a user searched across reviews or ratings, the page would reload. This generated a lot of cache and, consequently, had a negative impact on performance.
- The platform had to gather user preferences from 27 sources and analyze them across dozens of dynamic metrics. All this data had to be visualized in charts, configurable by metric type and responsive to real-time changes.
faster response time
review sources
weeks release cycle
The outcome
Partnering with Altoros, the company migrated its review management platform to a modernized stack without downtime. This helped to improve maintenance, reduce response time by 2x, and seamlessly introduce new functionality every 2–3 weeks. By integrating the system’s review count module with Google My Business, the organization enabled its customers to easily create and verify accounts on the search engine. This contributed to placing businesses on Google Maps and making them visible to a larger local audience during search.
Technology stack
Programming Languages - TypeScript, JavaScript
Frameworks and tools - React.js, Node.js, React DnD, Highcharts, SWR, webpack, ESLint, Prettier
Enabling Real-Time Data Processing for a Fleet Management Platform
The customer
Operating at the intersection of hardware and connected technologies, the company is a global provider of enterprise solutions for the logistics, automotive, and trailer management industries. Founded in 1989, the organization designs and manufactures connected ecosystems for RFID- and cellular-enabled devices.
The need
The customer had an IoT-based solution for fleet management (trucks). However, the platform was unable to process huge amounts of data—gathered from 5,300 devices—in real time.
Partnering with Altoros, the customer wanted to improve data processing and develop a similar solution for motorcycle riders.
The challenge
Under the project, the team at Altoros had to address the following issues:
- It was important to ensure that the solution can process 36,000 records per hour.
- It took almost 10 minutes to execute database queries.
- The system could not define geofences on the map, which prevented it from sending out automatic alerts when a device exits/enters a particular area.
The outcome
Partnering with Altoros, the customer enabled real-time data processing for its fleet management platform. Now, the system is capable of analyzing 36,000 records per hour gathered from 5,300 connected devices. The company also developed a solution for motorcycle riders, which community already has over 1,000,000 users.
Technology stack
Platform - Xively
Programming Language - TypeScript
Frameworks and tools - React, Redux, Node.js, AWS SNS, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon ElastiCache, AWS Lambda, Amazon Kinesis, MQTT
Databases - Aurora PostgreSQL
Building a Secure, Immutable Ledger for Storing Medical Records
The customer
Based in the United Kingdom, the company is a provider of business-to-business blockchain protocol implementations for healthcare. The customer aims to integrate existing EHR systems with a blockchain network and bring in automation.
The need
The majority of medical institutions operate highly centralized systems that store patient data. Being governed by a single point of authority, these systems significantly complicate access to patient history once a person changes a doctor or a hospital. The process also lacks transparency for different specialists handling the same patient.
Therefore, the customer turned to Altoros to develop a decentralized solution for maintaining medical records, aiming to increase transparency while preserving privacy.
The challenges
First and foremost, the system had to be extremely secure, since it deals with highly sensitive patient data. At the same time, it had to manage and process a variety of hi-scale images (X-ray, MRI, etc.), as well as unstructured or semi-structured text and PDF documents (such as prescriptions, treatment lists, or lab test results).
The outcome
Cooperating with Altoros, the customer developed a decentralized blockchain system for storing medical records in an immutable, transparent, and secure manner. Unlike common blockchain systems that store key-value pairs only, the solution can handle large images (X-ray, MRI, etc.) and other documents important for patients’ medical history.
The system can be customized for the needs of different medical institutions.
After having delivered this proof of concept, the customer partnered with one of the leading global software providers (a Premier Member of the Hyperledger Foundation).
To enable the system to store a variety of hi-resolution images (X-ray) and semi-structured PDF documents (prescriptions and lab tests), our developers integrated a distributed, peer-to-peer IPFS file system.
Finally, the engineers optimized the chaincode structure to prevent the ledger from duplicating data entities, such as a document, a record, etc.
Technology stack
Server platform Hyperledger Fabric v1.4
Programming languages JavaScript, Go
Technologies Node.js, Bash, React.js, Ansible, Apache Kafka, ECDSA, IPFS
Database RethinkDB
Reducing Infrastructure Costs and Release Cycles for a FinTech Vendor
The customer
The company is a U.S. provider of currency hedging and exchange execution services to investors and financial institutions. Since its foundation in 2013, the customer raised $4.1 million in funding.
The need
The company had a platform that facilitated currency hedging and asset management to mitigate risks imposed by currency fluctuations. Nine global corporations were using the platform to offset potential losses on investments due to exchange rates. At some point, the customer recognized value in white-labeling its product. As part of this plan, the organization partnered with one of the leading financial holding companies in the world, growing its clientele to 95 corporations.
Each of these corporations had different processes, systems, and technology stacks that the platform needed to easily integrate and comply with. This required introducing a lot of customizations in an agile manner.
Relying on Altoros, the customer wanted to automate and speed up feature delivery. With the white-labeling strategy in force, the company also sought scalability, high availability, and ease of maintenance.
The challenges
Under the project, the team at Altoros had to address the following issues:
- As the platform analyzed sensitive financial information, ensuring proper data security was crucial.
- It was important to maintain high integrability of the product due to different internal processes, technology stacks, etc., of corporations using the system.
1 week
from idea to production
faster delivery
less infrastructure costs
The outcome
Partnering with Altoros, the customer was able to successfully execute its white-labeling strategy by offering a FinTech product that eases an adoption curve, features high integrability, and minimizes customization. The migration to a cloud-native PaaS that has a mature ecosystem of services enabled the company to reduce release time by 2x–4x, cut down expenses on infrastructure maintenance by 2x, as well as ensure scalability and high availability. Thanks to a variety of the implemented security measures, the organization can also address the primary concerns of the financial industry.
Technology stack
Platform Heroku
Programming language Ruby
Frameworks and tools Ruby on Rails, React.js, Amazon S3, Amazon SNS, Amazon QuickSight, Amazon SageMaker, Redis, Code Climate, RuboCop
Databases PostgreSQL, MongoDB
Automation of Appointment Schedules for Doctors and Patients
The customer
Established in 1986, the customer is a medical ward based in Oslo, Norway. The organization offers several medical services: health checkups, laboratory tests, surgical operations, etc. The institution also provides biannual checkups for the employees of multiple organizations across the country.
The need
Twice a year, corporate employees in Norway have to go through obligatory physical checkups. The medical center was delivering this service to 20 companies. Initially, appointment scheduling was conducted manually via phone calls and by using spreadsheets. This was inefficient, time-consuming, and led to human error and conflicts between schedules. As a result, it was impossible to neither provide a quality service, nor fully focus on other daily routines. During the COVID-19 pandemic, these issues escalated due to the increased burden on medical staff.
With a view to expand its business and cater to more corporate customers, the institution relied on expertise at Altoros to automate the scheduling procedure.
The challenges
It was important to ensure that medical workers with no technical background could easily manage tasks such as addition of new doctors, their vacations or sick leaves, etc. The ward collects, processes, and stores personal data of European Union citizens, so the system had to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The outcome
Partnering with Altoros, the customer automated time-consuming and inefficient manual processes around biannual physical checkup. As a result, the ward can now provide healthcare checkups to 100+ companies, being able to serve up to 750,000 corporate patients. Now, the healthcare institution can deliver a timely service without interrupting its other daily routines, saving hundreds of hours for medical staff.
In future, the customer plans to white-label the delivered system and offer it to other medical organizations seeking this kind of automation, building an additional revenue channel.
Technology stack
Platform - Amazon AWS
Programming language - JavaScript
Frameworks and tools - Amazon Simple Email Service, Amazon Lightsail, Node.js, React, React-Router, Redux, Redux-Saga, Ant Design, Fastify, REST, Swagger UI, Webpack, Sequelize
Database - PostgreSQL
Enabling Accessibility of an E-learning Language Platform
The customer
The customer is a leading provider of language training services to individuals and businesses in Norway. Accredited by the Ministry of Education, the company also delivers language courses and social studies to immigrants. The organization has educational centers in major Norwegian cities, including Oslo, Bergen, and Stavanger.
The need
The company had a proprietary web app enabling users to test their language skills. The customer was working toward building a fully fledged e-learning platform based on the existing app. The platform would provide access to a variety of language courses and testing materials for students across Norway.
Collaborating with Altoros, the organization wanted to deliver functionality critical to interactive online learning, improve the existing features, and integrate billing. The customer aimed to get certification from Skill Norway, a governmental Agency for Lifelong Learning that belongs to the Ministry of Education and Research. In this regard, necessary functionality had to be enabled under the tight deadlines.
The challenges
- It was important to ensure stable performance of the system while enabling smooth display of heavyweight interactive educational games and lessons.
- A possibility to record audio was one of the essential features for both teachers and students. To accelerate streaming and the processing of media during learning sessions, it was crucial to unify audio formats across a variety of browsers and operating systems.
- As the platform would also be utilized by people with disabilities, compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) had to be achieved.
The outcome
Partnering with Altoros, the customer delivered functionality vital to interactive language learning online, while maintaining the system’s availability and performance. Compliant with the WCAG standards, the platform is accessible to students with disabilities, safeguarding equality across education for all society members. Thanks to the enabled functionality, the company showcased the solution at the governmental level, winning a tender to connect a chain of 50 language schools to the platform and raising nearly $1.2 million of investment. Now, the product serves 3,000 students across the country.
At the moment, the customer continues collaborating with Altoros to build mobile apps for iOS and Android.
Technology stack
Programming language - TypeScript
Frameworks and tools - React.js, ReactPlayer, Redux, Howler.js, Audio Recorder Polyfill, LottieFiles, Framer Motion, wavesurfer.js, Testing Library, styled-components
Database - PostgreSQL
Developing a System for Managing Roof Truss Production
The customer
Operating globally, the company is a leading producer of fully automated solutions for the building component manufacturing industry. With patented smart robotics technology under the hood, the organization provides a revolutionary roof truss production system.
The need
When the customer turned to Altoros, it had an existing CAD-like software—for roof truss designers—implemented as a proof of concept. However, the solution’s functionality was not mature enough to be used in production.
Collaborating with Altoros, the company wanted to optimize the existing functionality, as well as develop some business-critical components.
The challenges
Under the project, the team at Altoros had to address the following issues:
- The system’s immature API with its unpredictable behaviour might cause failures at any step of the truss production line.
- To avoid redesigning defective trusses from scratch, it was important to ensure control of individual truss elements.
- The system’s performance had to be stable even in case of a network error.
- The solution had to be compatible both with the Windows and Linux operating systems.
The outcome
Partnering with Altoros, the company turned its proof of concept into an enterprise-grade solution capable of customizing the sequence of steps performed by a robot at the truss production line and taking a defective truss element off the production line. With improved API, the system is fault tolerant and minimizes risks of unexpected failures at production.
Technology stack
Platform Linux, Windows
Programming languages Ruby
Frameworks and tools Ruby on Rails, Docker, Node.js, React, Redux, MobX, dry-rb, rom-rb
Databases PostgreSQL, Redis
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About Altoros
Headquarters4900 Hopyard Rd., Suite 100Pleasanton, CA 94588
Altoros Finland OYKyllikinportti 2,00240 Helsinki, Finland
Altoros Norge ASTordenskiolds gate 2, 0160 Oslo, Norway
Development Center, PolandMłynarska st. 42 /115,01-171 Warsaw
Development center, ArgentinaBuenos AiresAv. Federico Lacroze 2827,C1426CPP CABA, ArgentinaSanta Fe25 de Mayo 2884, S3000FUASanta Fe, Argentina

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